Internal Martial Arts

I started learning Chinese martial arts in 2000, trying different styles but predominately settling on Wing Chun from 2002. I first visited Hong Kong in 2008 to train with Grandmaster Chu Shong Tin, one of the few genuine internal martial arts masters openly teaching to the public.

It was having trained with Chu Shong Tin on numerous occasions, and through learning The Alexander Technique, I have come to understand the nature of internal martial arts. Lightness of touch, enormous power and minimal muscular effort being signifiers of internal ability.

During the last decade I have been sought out as a teacher from throughout the UK and Europe, teaching dozens of black belts in various arts as well as relative beginners. I’ve worked a lot with Tai Chi instructors keen to understand the true nature of their art. In my experience it is only through the skill of inhibition and direction (fundamentals abilities taught in the Alexander Technique) that the true nature of the internal arts are revealed.

Although I teach classes, I prefer to work in an ‘Alexander’ style; giving one-to-one hands on guidance.

If you are interested please contact me for details.